SEED programmes are designed to help you bridge the gap between your expectations of the world of work, and the reality of the world of work. Mentoring, networking and coaching activities will enable the exploration, expansion, and/or refinement of your employability skills to help you prepare for your career.
Employability skills, as well as an entrepreneurial mindset, can be developed through employability coaching. SEED Employability Coaching is a method used to enhance employability skills and entrepreneurial mindsets through positive interactions with experienced entrepreneurs and members of the workforce.
July/August 2024 Employability Coaching Workshops
Click here to register for any or both of the below workshops.
The anatomy of a perfect pitch deck
Date - Wednesday, 31 July 2024
Time - 12h00 till 14h00
Where - Centre for Entrepreneurship Rapid Incubator, North Campus
Optimizing LinkedIn for career opportunities
Date - Thursday, 1 August 2024
Time - 12h30 till 14h00
Where - on Microsoft Teams
How it works
The workshops involve activity-based training to broaden your understanding of the world of work in terms of employer expectations. You will have the opportunity to attend 10 workshops focused on employability and entrepreneurship, and three networking sessions to engage with like-minded peers.
Through the SEED Employability Workshops, you will:
Develop self-management skills, i.e. learn to manage your thoughts, feelings and actions
Develop transferable skills, i.e. skills that will benefit you no matter your role/occupation
Improve your communication and problem-solving skills
Improve your teamwork and leadership skills
Learn how to manage your personal and business finances